Thursday, 1 January 2015

Accounts Payable (User's Guide)

We cover the basic business principles of accounts payable accounting, we describe the SAP subledger, FI-AP (accounts payable) and the different posting methods, we will cover four alternative transactions for entering documents, general posting, fast data entry, single screen entry and integrated invoice verification, we will also cover the payment runs for paying vendors invoices. The main new feature in release ERP 6.0 is accounts payable accounting in the context of payment transactions and bank communication, I will be covering bank accounting in other section.
For subledger accounts you differentiate between vendors (accounts payable) and customers (accounts receivable), where in general ledger (G/L) you only mange the total of payables for the financial statement, you use accounts payable for all details regarding business transactions, such as invoices, credit memos and outgoing payments. You have have to ensure correct documentation of goods receipt because it is used as the basis for release of payments of invoices. The FI-AP component keeps and manages account based data of all vendors, it is also an integral part of the purchasing system, purchase orders, deliveries and invoices are managed based on vendors and update vendor evaluations.
FI-AP ensures that all legal obligations are kept by keeping records that are fulfilled for reliable accounting but also serves as the information source for an optimal purchasing policy and supports the enterprise's liquidity planning owing to the direct integration with cash management and forecasting, account analyses, due date forecasting and further standard reports are available for the open item management. The payment program automatically pays due payables and closes the corresponding items. To document the processes in account payable you can use account balances, journals, balance audit trails and numerous standard reports. For key date valuations you revaluate foreign currency items, determine vendors on the debit side and scan the balances established this way for remaining terms.
I do have a whole section on payable accounting in my FI configuration and setup section, this covers the subject from a configuration point of view.
Master Data
We will now have a look at the vendor master record, which is used for business transactions in the accounting area and in the purchasing area. The master data is made up of three parts, general data, company code data and purchasing data, you can use transaction code XK03 (centrally) or FK03. The data
  • General Data - is maintained at the client level, the data is available for all company codes. At this level you specify the name of the subledger account in subledger accounting, the tax number and the bank details
  • Company Code - individual company code data ia maintained in this section, this includes the account number of the reconciliation account in the general ledger, the terms of payment and the settings for the dunning procedure.
  • Purchasing Data - is used with the MM module (materials management), you can enter data on requests, on purchasing orders and for invoice verifications, the data can include conditions (for example purchase order currency, terms of payment or minimum purchase order value), sales data (sales person including telephone number) and control parameters, use transaction codeXK03.

Lets create a vendor account using transaction code FK01 (use transaction code XK03 if you need to enter purchasing data), I am not going to cover every option as we will be discussing some of them later, here I am filling the details just to get the vendor account created, The vendor account number is controlled by the account group and the account number assigned to it, the account number can have just numbers, characters or both, here the account number is vendor10, which is assigned to the account group 0001 (left-hand screenshot), you can use SPRO to configure account groups and account numbers (right-hand screenshot)
The next screen you enter the vendors details, the title can be a person or a company as seen in the left-hand screenshot, the search terms is used for searching vendors, its the primary key with which you can search for master records rapidly. The rest of the details are pretty self-explaining
The next two sections are the control parameters and the payment details, the control parameters can help if the vendor is a customer, which allows you to have the option to have the system clear receivables and payables automatically (automatic payment program or dunning), you can also enter tax information and the VAT registration number, you can also enter the vendors locations which can help with determine freight charges, you can even specify the type of industry the vendor is in. The payment details are entered on the right-hand screenshot, you specify each bank account that allows the automatic payment program to pay the vendor. If you have multiple bank accounts you have bank keys to determine which account to use, you can also specify an alternate payee which allows the business partner bank to pay, we will discuss IBAN (and SEPA) in the bank accounting section.
The next two screens are the contact person details (self-explaining) and the accounting information details, here you specify the reconciliation account, remember a vendor account is a subledger in order to automatically post to the G/L account we use the reconciliation account field (in this case trade payables). The field status group in the master record of the reconciliation account specifies the screen layout for document entry, the items of the vendors account are managed in the currency of the reconciliation account. The sort key is used to display the line items in order, if the sort key is not used then the system will sort via the assignment number. You can use the authorization to control who reads and controls the vendors account.
You can can only assign one reconciliation account to the customer or vendor master, which as you know postings made to the subledger account will automatically update the specified general ledger account (reconciliation account), however sometimes you may need more than one reconciliation account for the same customer or vendor, to classify the different types of transactions you make with them. We can use the IMG

In the initial screen you can create multiple reconciliation accounts, if you need more than one alternative reconciliation account linked to the same general ledger account then enter the general ledger account multiple times as you have alternative accounts. You can also use a short key to represent the alternative reconciliation account to ease document entry, you simply enter a two character alphanumeric key as per the below screenshot

You need to make sure that in the general ledger account (reconciliation account) you have the recon.acct ready for input checkbox ticked, if you do not see it in the section you can use transaction OBD4, select the document entry field and you should be able to see the reccil.acct ready for input entry. When you are posting to the vendor or customer account you can use either the general account or the ID
The next screens details the payment terms and types of payments, you can also specify tolerance groups which can limit the granting of cash discounts and for the handling of payment differences, this affects dunning and the entry of payment transactions. You can block payments and specify house banks (I will discuss this in my banking section) and specify alternate payee's. The screenshot below details the types of payment methods that we will accept from this vendor, this is important as we will select the payment types when we run the payment run.
The last two screens are the dunning configuration (I will be discussing this in the accounts receivable section) and the withhold tax configuration, for the time being I will leave these blank.
When you save the account you should receive the below confirmation message

You can block an account using transaction code XK05, you can block the vendor in all company codes or the selected company code, you can also block it in purchasing. A dunning or payment block can be set at the company code level, you can set or unblock the blocking indicator in the subledger at anytime.

SAP provides a special master record type for one-time or sporadic vendors, this master record does not contain specific data of the business partner such as address or bank details, this information is separately entered during document entry. When posting to a one time account the system automatically navigates to a master data screen where you can enter the specific data of the business partner. The master records for one-time accounts are stored separately in a specific account group. The system hides the specific fields of the business partner when the master data is entered. If you have lots of one-time accounts you should create multiple accounts and separate them for example first letter and industry, this will help otherwise it may get confusing when clearing and try to find accounts quickly. You can perform dunning on one-time accounts, open items can be dunned and processed using the payment program.
Overview of the Integrated Business Transaction
Accounts payable in the context of integrated business transactions usually concerns the individual steps from purchase orders to outgoing payments (purchase to pay). Integration also means that the information flow involves different departments. This examples includes the departments of purchasing, accounts payable accounting, controlling and treasury.
The ordering process starts with a purchase requisition, before you can generate a purchase order for the vendor this internal approval process ensures clarity and transparency, the purchase requisition defines exactly at which price goods or services may be ordered and an approval of the purchase requisition requires a dual-control or three-control principle. This early implementation facilitates later invoice verifications, additionally the purchase requisition enables the involved departments, controlling and treasury to obtain an overview of the expected expenses or cash outflows.
If the goods have been received for the purchase order the goods receipt is not only based on quantities but also documents the exact value of the goods for the purchase order. If no vendor invoice that corresponds to the goods receipt is available at the end of the month, this value serves as the basis for accrual and deferral posting (we will discuss the automatic maintenance of the GR/IR account in the closing operation section).
Processing of incoming invoices is one of the traditional areas in accounts payable accounting, services are normally documented in paper form and sent by post, the documents are normally scanned and then archived, which means that documents can be obtained quickly. In addition to having a central inbox and an early scanning scanning process, the optical recognition and interpretation of paper invoices is the next step on your way to an optimized process. OCR allows for default account assignment of the accounting document. Provided that the system finds the corresponding purchase order for the invoice and provided that there are no price differences or quantity variance the system can automatically post the document in the background.
If very large volumes are involved the transfer of invoice data via EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) including a subsequent printout of the collective invoice has become established as a process, these are one-to-one connections between customers and vendors. In some industries for example the automotive industry this procedure is already widely used. You can summarized between the following types of processing incoming invoices
  • Manual processing with late scanning
  • Manual processing with early scanning, so that an optical image is provided for the workflow in the enterprise
  • Automatic processing and early scanning via OCR, which also creates default account assignments in additional to the optical image
  • Automatic processing where large invoice volumes are transferred via EDI
If the goods and invoices have been received and the invoice verification has a positive result, the automatic payment program is responsible for making the payments at the optimal time. The payment run includes the planned liquid funds and cash discounts and due dates for net payment invoices, because the accounts payable accountant is involved in this process the sections discuss the manual and automatic payment transactions.
Cashed checks enable specific evaluations, you can evaluate when and whether vendors cashed the receive checks and even indicate this as an average value in the master record.
Entering Incoming Invoices
The general FI-AP posting transaction code is FB01, this is similar to the G/L document entry, we first enter the header details and the first line item, remember the posting key determines the next screen layout,

The next screen we enter the full details for the first line item, and then we enter the details for the second line item

We lastly enter the full details of the second line item, at this point we can perform a simulate and a simulate G/L

The left-hand screenshot is the simulate and the right-hand screenshot is the simulate G/L, here you should be able to pickup any errors, you only have to perform a simulate when you are testing the system, once live you should have the confidence that you do not need to simulate every time.
Once you are happy with the document you then post it, the system will confirm the posting as per the message below

We can then have a look in the vendors account (left-hand screenshot) and we should be able to see our posting (in an open state), remember this is a subledger account and thus we have a reconciliation account (right-hand screenshot) where all documents will be posted as well, in this case account 160000 (trade payables), we should see the same document 2000000012
As this is a double entry we should see the other side (debit) of the double entry in the Goods Recvd/Invoice Recvd - not yet delivered (G/L account 191101)

Like the G/L document entry we have a single screen document entry for accounts payable, using transaction code FB60, we can enter a incoming invoice, the initial screen is the data entry (left-hand screenshot), notice in the left-hand screenshot the balance still has a yellow icon which means the document has not been checked, also notice that the line item does not have a green tick, again it means that the line item has not been checked, once checked you will notice that the balance icon turns green and that the line item has a green tick which indicates that the document should be ok to be posted (see right-hand screenshot)., if not then check for any errors in the document.
Again we can simulate and G/L simulate the posting to check the document
Once the document is posted we will receive confirmation as per the screenshot below

Again we can check the vendor account the left-hand screenshot (and reconciliation account right-hand screenshot) and see that the document was posted
Again the double entry debit side is posted to the Goods Recvd/Invoice Recvd - not yet delivered (G/L account 191101)

Lastly we can take a look at the fast entry screen, this is a little different than the last to ways on entering a document, you use transaction code FB10, the initial screen has some basic document header information and allows you to select the input fields for the document header and vendor, depending on what you select here will determine the screen layout in the next screen

Now we will see the familiar screens we saw using FB01, again the system will provide you with confirmation that the document was posted successfully (right-hand screenshot)
You can also enter an invoice which is related to a purchase order, which was created in MM (Material Management), the transaction code for this is MIRO, I will cover material management at a later date and thus I want you to be aware of this option.

When entering invoices using the above methods (FB50FB60 or FB70), you normall don't need to enter the document type or postings as the system supplies a default, you can change these using transaction OBZO, you can specify a particular company code and transaction type, as you can see in the screenshot below it is pretty self-explaining, as you can SAP already supply default document types.

Automated Payment Transactions
The payment transaction refers to the processing of the incoming and outgoing payments of an enterprise, this includes
  • Incoming payments via debit memos
  • Outgoing payments via bank transfers or checks
  • Incoming checks with manual check preposting
  • Incoming payments via bank transfers returned debit memos and returned checks
You can distinguish between the accounting view and the process view, the accounting view differentiates between incoming payments and outgoing payments. The process view in contrast differentiates between the outgoing and incoming payment processes. The outgoing payment process is triggered by a payment run by the company and the corresponding information (bank, account amount, etc) are defined by the SAP system and passed on to third parties, this includes bank transfers and outgoing checks to third parties. The incoming process is triggered by third parties and the corresponding information is provided from the outside (banks, vendors, customers), this includes bank transfers and incoming checks from the third parties. SAP's automatic payment program manages the outgoing payments of an enterprise but also processes the outgoing payment process and thus includes both outgoing and incoming payments (debit memos). There are a number of sections to the payment program
  • Selection of the due date and open items
  • Posting of payment documents (accounting documents)
  • Generation of payment lists and logs
  • Generation of payment media (check forms, payment advice notes)
I have covered how to setup the automatic payment program in my FI configuration and setup section under outgoing payments and automatic outgoing payments, a quick recap the payment method defines which procedure (check, bank transfer, bill of exchange, etc) is used for payment, the specifications for a payment method are made during the system configuration at two levels, there are basic settings that depend on the country that is settings for "US" (United States) apply to all company codes, in addition there are checks that you can define individually for each company code and enterprise.
You can also define specific checks as such
  • Minimum and maximum amounts
  • Allowed business partners abroad (country code in the master record)
  • Allowed bank details abroad (country code in the bank master record)
  • Allowed foreign currency
You can use transaction code FBZP to setup or change any of automatic payment program configuration but make sure that you have read the outgoing payments and automatic outgoing paymentssections first.
A payment block indicator can be used to block accounts or individual items for payment, if a payment block is set the system will display an error message "Account blocked for payment" or "Item blocked for payment" for the corresponding item. The payment block reasons can be accessed via transaction code OB27, you can block a item payment in the document header as seen in the right-hand screenshot, notice the payment block key matches the payment block reasons.
Now lets see the payment run, we use transaction code F110, when the initial screen appears everything is blank, you enter the run date and a unique identification and select the parameter tab, here we enter the posting date, documents that are to be included (up to date) and the customer items due day, the payments control section allows us to fine tune the payments that we are looking for, in my case only company code DD11 will be searched for, payment methods CT (Check and Bank Transfer) will be checked for, see right-hand screenshot for all payment methods.
The free selection screen allows you to perform some filtering for instance you could only select USD currency (left-hand screenshot), in this case I will not filter, The middle screenshot allows you to increase the logging here I have increased the logs so that we can see them later (see below for each description), the right-hand screen allows you to configure of the print output of proposal lists, release lists and checks.
The logging type information
  • Due date check - define the due date check is logged for open items
  • Payment method selection in all cases - ensures that the selection of all payment methods and all banks is documented in the log, you can then use the log to trace the procedure for payment method selection
  • Payment method selection if not successful - defines that the attempted selection of the payment method and bank is only documented in the log if no allowed payment method or bank is found. The log enables you to identify whether corrections have to be implemented in the master record of the business partner or in the configuration program
  • Line items of the payment documents - ensures that the log outputs all posted documents including the corresponding items.
Once you have filled in the tabs section and then select the status tab you are asked to save the parameters (right-hand screenshot), this means you can come back to this parameter list later. You can see old parameter lists, proposal runs and payment runs if you select on the identification (see right-hand screenshot), you can also see if any proposals or parameter lists have been deleted.
We can now run the proposal using the parameters we entered above, we select the proposal button and fill in the schedule, here I will run the proposal immediately,

Depending on you systems performance and the number of transactions to check it may take a while to complete, keep clicking on the status button to refresh the screen, you can see that the proposal is being started (left-hand screenshot), eventually the proposal will finish (right-hand screenshot)
Lets take a look at the logs (right-hand screenshot), remember we turned on additional logging so that we can see more details, as you can see in the log the proposal found a number of payments however as we have set a grace period (transaction code FBZP -> all company codes - right-hand screenshot) the proposal will ignore these transactions. Depending on the transactions in your system you may or may not have any payments. If you select the proposal button (with the spyglasses) you will see that no transactions are available for payment.
Now I have changed the grace period and re-run the payment proposal, again the payment proposal is the same apart from the dates
This time lets take a looks at the proposal (the spyglasses icon), we can see that a payment of 12,500 is due to vendor10, now this could be made up of a number of transactions, if you double-click on the payment you should be able to see how the payment is made up

You can see that it is made up of 3 transactions, from here you can obtain the document numbers, amounts, posting date, document date, etc

Now that we are happy with the proposal its time to perform the payment run, remember nothing has posted, it is possible to make changes to proposal or you can even delete the proposal, we select the payment run icon, again use the status icon to refresh the screen, you may first see the screen on the left-hand side notice that the posting orders generated is 1 and the completed is 0, after a short while both should be 1, which means that the postings are complete, lets take a look
First lets have a look at the payment run log, here you can see a single payment has been made into two accounts (remember its a double entry system), you can see that the vendor has been has been debited and the citibank bank (G/L 113101) account has been credited, we will verify this in a moment

Let take a look at the account balance for the vendor, we can see the payment of 12,500 with a document ID of 70001 which is a vendor invoice but it is also a clearing document, notice the 3 line items we saw earlier, they all have been cleared using this document, basically what we are saying is that we have received the goods and the invoice, however we have yet to actually pay for the items, and this instructs the next phase of the payment process that is to actually pay the vendor, internally someone will now authorize the actual payment to take place.

We then check the citibank G/L account, you can see we have a new posted item of 12,500.00, which tells us that we need to pay for this item, once we have paid for this item the bank will issue a bank statement, this statement could be automatically or manually entered and then this document could be cleared confirming that the line items for vendor10 have been paid for, we will cover this in more detail the bank accounting section.

During the payment run lots of things are happening in the background, the account determination is all configured using transaction code FBZP, see outgoing payments and automatic outgoing payments sections for more details on how to configure the account determination and then you will have a better understanding on what happens during the payment run.
As mentioned above when you make a payment to a customer or vendor the system automatically selects all of the open items that are due and groups them together in one payment, if for example we have a credit memo with a specific invoice that it relates to during the automatica payament it will net it off with all the other open invoices in the account. This may be acceptable however sometimes you may need to group common open items together so that they are groups together in a single payment, we can setup grouping keys to group similar items for payment using transaction codeOBAP, in the below left-hand screenshot the fields for grouping payments you can group up to three fields which can be used to group the open items together. Once the grouping key has been created you can add it to the master data of the customer or vendor, for example using transaction code FK02 on the payment transaction accounting tab we can select the grouping key (right-hand screenshot).
Manual Payment Run
There will be times when you need to enter a vendors payment manually, perhaps you only run the automatic payment run at the end of the month, and then vendor wants his payment earlier, we can use transaction code F-53 (you can also use F-03 or F-51, (F-44 vendors, F-32 customers) which are very similar), here I enter a outgoing payment of 1000.00 specifying the bank account to be 113101 which we saw in the automatic payment run above, this time I use the vendor account pvalle, once the details have been entered I then select the process open items button

The system will now search of the open items of the vendor account pvalle, as you can see there are a few of then, now you have to look carefully as the USD GROSS column could have all items in black or all items in blue, what this means this if the item is in blue then it will be available for payment, if in black then its not available for payment, you can either select the item and use the itemsbutton (activate or deactivate) or you can just double-click the item to activate or deactivate the item. The important thing to remember is that not assigned box contains a zero balance. You also have the options to enter any cash discounts either as an amount or a percentage.

Again we can simulate left-hand screenshot) or simulate the G/L entry (right-hand screenshot) to confirm the posting
The posting again will be confirmed (left-hand screenshot) and we can see the posting and clearing document in account balance of the vendor (right-hand screenshot)
The manual payment is very similar to the automatic payment run except you enter banking details manually, there may be differences that exceed the tolerances limits for posting during a manual payment these limits are defined on the accounting clerk during system configuration, for more information see tolerance groups in the documents sections.
There are a number of options available for open items
  • Posting as a residual item - the systems closes the original open item and simultaneously generates a new open item with the remaining amount
  • Posting as a partial payment - the original open item is not cleared, the system posts the payment with an invoice reference, for this purpose it enters the invoice number in the invoice reference field of the payment items.
Lets take a look at a residual item, the payment amount exists below the open item, use again use transaction code F-53 selecting the res.items tab, again the initial screen needs to be filled in, this time I will use vendor pvalle, the amount is going to be used against an invoice of 1000.00 leaving a residual of 50.00

Here you can see that I have selected the res.items tab and only selected the invoice of 1000.00, initially the residual items column will be blank double-click the column and it will automatically be filled with the residual, in our case 50.00

Again we can run a simulate or a simulate G/L account
Once we are happy we can post the document

Lets have a look at the vendors account balance, as you can see the original invoice has not been cleared using the document above as the clearing document and a new document has been created with the remaining 50.00

Partial payments is the same as residual payment, again create the document header information

Then select the payments that you wish to make the partial payment against

The two items are indicated as open and are linked to each other with identical content in the assignment field.
Evaluations in AP Accounting
To make sure that payments are made on time and are not being held up due to security checks (where a payment requires two authorizations), you can use transaction code FK09, in the initial screen (left-hand screenshot) you can search vendors and or company codes and you have a number of options on what to look, when you have made your selection you a list will be generated detailing what payments need authorizing (confirming), in my case I do not have any.
Another report transaction code S_ALR_87012078 (due date analysis for open items) allows you to view the expected outgoing liquidity in advance, the initial screen (left-hand screenshot) allows you to perform some filtering, here I will check company code DD11, the report (right-hand screenshot) details what is due in the coming days (right up to 99999 days), as you can see I have 94,900 due in the next 30 days and I only have one vendor.
You can also change how the report looks by changing the navigation, here I have selected the posting key and you can see a break down of the payments, notice the payment difference we created earlier.

The vendor data information system is a kind of cube that is filled with up-to-date information at regular intervals, you can view, rotate and turn this cube from different perspectives, you can use transaction code F.46, you can configure and update the information use the below

The initial screen allows you to drilldown on a specific path, here you can see that I have drilled down to evaluate the open items in the group client 800.

Here you can see the interest that has been accumulated due to the open items, also notice the date in the right-hand corner, obviously this information is out of date and needs refreshing

You can also have quick access to the payable reports using transaction F.98, you can even turn on the technical name of the reports.

I have explained how to update this information in my account receivable section, using transaction code F.29.

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