Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Configure automatic posting - OBYC Transaction - FI - MM Integeration -Transaction key

Configure Automatic Postings  -  OBYC
     OBYC stands for Configure Automatic Postings. i.e When u enter a transaction for the Inventory Management and Invoice Verification it simultaneously updated in Financial and Controlling documents in respective modules by means of G/L accounts.
    E.g. when u does MIGO Transaction after trans MB03 material doc and accounting doc and u can see the complete flow of accounting and material documents. In brief the Postings are made to G/L accounts automatically in the case of Invoice Verification and Inventory Management where the transactions are relevant to Financial and Cost Accounting.

MM – FI Integration
    MM – FI Integration depends on two things namely Valuation class and Movement types like inventory posting(BSX), gr/ir clearing(WRX) or inventory offsetting(GBB). The 3digit codes mentioned are the standard transaction keys provided by SAP for each possible movement type.     They can be found when we run tcode OBYC in IMG.
     In order to create interface between MM and FI we need to assign a G/L a/c from the chart of accounts being used for the co-code for each movement type(transaction) for a valuation class. If the no.of G/L accounts to be posted are more than one as in case of GBB(issues from different stocks or for different purposes) the parameter General Modifications comes into picture the value of which decides the G/L a/c to be posted under different scenarios.
In general the flow would be,

    1.In PO Transaction 
---- No integration
    2.When Goods Receipt/Goods Issue
Inventory Account dr (Transaction Key BSX in OBYC)
To GRIR account (T.Key WRX in T-code OBYC)
    3. When Invoice is posted
GRIR account Dr.
Vendor account Cr.
    4. Payment made to Vendor
Vendor A/c Dr
To Bank Clearing A/c Cr.

The Transaction key elements can seen vide (T-code OMJJ), OMWN and OMWB transactions. They are,
     1. Movement Types:
Used to enable the system to find the predefined posting rules determining how the accounts of financial accounting system are to be posted & to update the stock fields in the matrl master data.(Goods Receipt, Goods Issue, etc)
    2. Valuation Class:
Assignment of material to group of G/L account, used to determine the gl accounts that are updated as a result of goods movement.
    3. Transaction/Event key:
Used to control the storage or filing of documents & assignment of documents. Used to differentiate b/w various transactions such as goods movement that occur in inventory.
    4. Material Type:
Each material should assign mtrl type in mtrl master record used to update whether changes made in qty are updated in material master record & change in value also updated in stock account.

Chart of Accounts

    Chart of accounts is a group of accounts(G/L) which is assigned to respective company code.This 3 digit key contains name, language, length of GL, block indicator, group of chart accounts for native and international countries and controlling integration.

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